Vegan Cheesecake

Want to have breakfast like a queen? Sit in a giant bathtub and sip on a cup of tea while eating a giant frosted layer cake! (Yeah, not gonna happen.) You should be oh-so curious as to what this masterpiece is and continue scrolling down. Really. Each to their own.

No cream. No sugar. No eggs. No animal products here! Make sure you leave this overnight to get the full effect of cakey-ness. And the trick is actually using a little less liquid for the oats–only just enough so that everything is soft and cooked. Use almond milk to make the oats even creamier. I already got the nice texture from the yogurt and oats, but sometimes softer is better. 🙂

So in all: eat your freaking cake. Muah.


  • 1/2 cup gluten-free rolled oats
  • 1/2-2/3 cup water or dairy free milk (I like almond milk or coconut milk)
  • Sweetener to taste
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup coconut yogurt or sweet soy yogurt (I used Trader Joe’s vanilla coconut milk yogurt)
  • Opt: almond butter, seeds, chocolate, coconut, granola, berries, etc.


  1. Mix ingredients into the oats and cook on a stovetop or microwave as directed. For the stovetop it should take 10 minutes and for the microwave about 1 minute or a little more (beware of explosion and cover!).
  2. Layer yogurt and oats in a bowl or Mason jar.
  3. Store in the fridge.
  4. After a few hours or the next morning, top with raspberries and granola. Enjoy!

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“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.”

– Queen Antoinette

One response to “Vegan Cheesecake”

  1. Tea, cake and a bath tub – sounds about the perfect night!


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